Registration & Loyalty program
Unlock Exclusive Benefits as a Clover Care Member!
Registration & Loyalty Programe
Join Clover Care today and discover a home maintenance experience like no other. Our commitment to superior quality, affordable pricing, and exceptional customer service sets us apart.
Registration & Loyalty
Join our community of satisfied customers by registering as a member of Clover Care. Enjoy
a range of exciting benefits that enhance your home maintenance experience
Subscription Plan
Experience hassle-free home maintenance with monthly lawn care, car and garden power washing, and window cleaning. Enjoy a pristine and well-maintained home year-round without the worry!
Monthly- Lawn mowing
- Hedge trimming
- Car wash (Bookable anytime)
- Power Washing Driveway (Once a month)
- Window Cleaning (Once a month)
Subscribe Now
Please note that Terms and Conditions apply to this subscription plan. If the subscription is canceled before three months of use, a cancellation fee of €100 will be applied. We encourage you to review our full Terms and Conditions for more details. Thank you for choosing Clover Care!